
Unique Blogger Tag + Blog Survey


Last week I got nominated for this award by the lovely Najida from The Average Gurl. I can't wait to answer the questions so lets go! 

-Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
-Nominate 8-13 bloggers to receive this award.
-Ask your nominees 3 UNIQUE questions.
-Include one quote you really like.

Najida's questions:

How do you motivate yourself to keep your blog going?
I don't really need to motivate myself blogging because I enjoy it so much that I want to do it. I always end up writing/planning/scheduling posts instead of doing my homework! 

What is the most interesting fact you know?
In my school planner, every week it has "interesting" facts and this weeks one is: It is estimated that up to 10% of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment, which is so weird to think about. 

Who is your favourite author and why?
My favourite author is either Gayle Forman or John Green. Gayle Forman who is the author of If I Stay. She has written quite a few books about teen romance and my favourite is "Just One Day". I am sure that a lot of people have heard of John Green. His books are always so clever and make me think. 

I tag all of the #teenageteam girls to answer the following questions:
-What is the origin of your blog name and why did you choose it? 
-What are 3 things that make you happy?
-What have you got planned for the summer holidays? 

Also, I have created a survey (below) and I would really appreciate it if you would answer the questions :)

Online survey powered by Typeform

What would you answer be to the questions I answered? 

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  1. Lovely post. I loved reading your answers. Just completed the survey! Xx


  2. I just completed the survey! Best wishes blogging!

  3. Lovely post! I completed the survery for you! Thanks for tagging me X

    Thrifty vintage fashion

  4. I think just one day is a movie now. I saw it on netflix and it seemed like an interesting movie.
    I just completed the survey :)
    all the best ,

  5. Great post. x


  6. Lovely post and I've done the survey for you. x

    Kate// katerosexo1.blogspot.com

  7. Lovely post! It was interesting to read your answers! I am going to complete the survey now! X

    Amyx Makeupwithmissa.blogspot.co.uk

  8. Took the survey, love! xx

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  9. Thank you for tagging me! I completed the survey too! x

    Robyn x

  10. Nice tag! I've just followed your blog, hope that you check mine.. x.
    Mia | https://my-world-vibes.blogspot.pt/

  11. Sorry that I've seen this post late! But I can totally agree with your first answer! I tend to plan posts for my blog instead of doing homework to xx

    Najida | The Average Gurl

  12. What a lovely tag! I will complete the survey now!
    Paige xo // The Joys of Being Paige

  13. amazing answers !! love the idea of a survey too

    wi xx



Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x