Sping DIY Room Decor


Hello! Yesterday was officially the first day of Spring, so for me, it is time to start redecorating!! For me, Spring is all about the floral patterns and pastel colours so I based the DIYs around that, but you can change them to however you want them to be. 

Floral letter

For this all you need is a cardboard letter of your choice. If I was doing this, I would go for L as my name is Laura but you could also do the @ sign if you wanted. You will also need some fake flowers or an old flower crown and some glue. All you need to do is remove the flower part from the fake flowers or flower crown and stick it onto the letter. You now have a really pretty decor piece for your room. 

Spring Cleaning
Spring also means spring cleaning! The other day, I went through all my under bed storage and got rid of all of the junk. This now means I have more space to store what I want to keep and it helps my room stay tidy, so when you have a free day, do this because I recommend it. To help me stay organised, I have 3 wooden clothes pins blue tacked to my wall. I just keep things I need to remember on there. Like my school timetable and some hair bands because I always seem to lose them! 

This is not a new DIY as it was actually one of the first posts I did on my blog and there is a link to it here. This was fetus Blossomofhope so the post looks really bad but you can still get the general idea of what to do. I still have the bunting up and all the colours are so spring like. 
If you want to read more fetus Blossomofhope, I did a DIY on how to make free polaroids here. I still have these in my room and I love them! I now have them hanging on a piece of twine and attached with mini clothes pins(which I painted with nail polish!!) instead of blue tacked to my wall.

Hope you enjoyed this DIY and comment below if you want to try any of these out!

Lots of Love
Laura xx

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  1. This is such a cute post! I'll have to try some of these xo


  2. Your polaroids look so sweet! x
    Morgan | www.justmorgs.com

  3. You can use lalalalab to print off polaroids!

  4. The bunting is soooo cute, might make some during the holidays

    Wi x

  5. Cute post! I recently posting a really similar one on my blog! Just found your blog & I love it xx


  6. Such a lovely post! I might try some of them out!

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

  7. So cute! I also have a polaroid string in my room actually :)

    Stella xx

  8. this is cute and lovely and so fresh xx

  9. It so simple to do, and soo cute. x.

    If you want, can check my blog:
    The Fashion Spell

  10. I really want to try the Polaroid one! Loving your blog btw xx

  11. These are such great ideas and the bunting is super cute! x

    Kate// katerosexo1.blogspot.com

  12. These are such great ideas and the bunting is super cute! x

    Kate// katerosexo1.blogspot.com

  13. I really want to try the bunting, its so cute!

    Lauren x laurenelisewatson.blogspot.co.uk

  14. These are really ideas, I think the bunting would definitely make my room look a lot cuter if I tried it out, haha:) Great post X

    -Maya mayasienna13.blogspot.co.uk


Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x