Summer BucketList
16:28Summer is right around the corner and I can't wait to start dong my summer bucket-list. So I thought I would share them, who knows, you might find a new favourite summer activity!
1. Go to a Festival.
2. Spend a whole day at the Beach.
3. Run through sprinklers.
4. Go on holiday abroad.
5. Get a sun tattoo.
6. Having an outdoor movie night with my friends.
7. Make a summer memory jar.
8. Have a barbecue and make s'mores.
9. Have a water fight
10. Take loads of pictures and make a summer photo album
11. Read 5+ books
12. Get really tanned
13. Have a electronic free 24-hours
14. Go swimming
15. Hang out with my friends
Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x