How I stay organised


I am not an organised person and this school year, I really want to try to be, so I bought an A4 notebook with the aim of making it into a planner. I wanted to get into bullet journalling, but I didn't think I would be able to keep up with it, so I decided that I would create my own format.A few months and a lot of googling later,  I have created a planner that works for me and I thought I would share it with you.

My notebook was already split into 5 sections which I decided would be Monthly, Weekly, Lists, Blogging and notes. 
For my monthly section, I created a template on Microsoft Word of a month and then just printed that out, as well as a few printables from Organised Student including the month at a glance one.  I really like having this as it gives me a quick overview of the upcoming month and lets me set goals for it. In this section I plan out my blog posts and write down any appointments I have. 

For weekly, I also used a printable from the Organised Student.  really recommend going to her website and having a look because there are some really useful printables. I use this to plan my week better and see what times I should do my homework etc. 

I think the lists section is pretty self explanatory. In this section, I write down lists of what I need to do or buy, or what I want to acheive. I use the bullet journalling bullet point system to migrate tasks and see what I have completed. 

In the blogging section, I plan out all my posts and the photos I need for them. I also draft posts out and write down ideas. 

Quick DIY's
→ If, like me, you don't like the design of your notebook,  cover the front page in a cute wrapping paper. I then added a small piece of paper to the front and wrote my name on it. 

→ Originally, the dividers were green and clear which I didn't like so on the tabs that stuck out, I stuck paint swatches (the coloured cards you get from paint stores) onto the sticking out tabs and then wrote the names on the sections on them. 

→ I also stuck post it notes on the inside cover so that if I am ever in a rush I can just quickly write it without worrying if it is neat. Sticky notes are also not permanent so I write reminders on them as well.

I hope you liked this post as it was kind of different to what I normally do, would you like to see more about planning and organising? 

ps: Thank you so much for 200 bloglovin followers, I really appreciate every single one of you. If you would like to follow me click the link above! 

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  1. Lovely idea. I'd love to be more organised! X

  2. Your cover is so cute, great idea☺ I have been trying to be more organised too! Leonie x

  3. I really need to start using a planner to get my life together, I love yours! x


  4. Your planner is so pretty! I can never bullet journal to. I just got a personalised one instead. Loved your post Laura xx

    Najida | The Average Gurl x

  5. Lovely idea! Thank you for sharing, I never really 'got' bullet journals xo

  6. Great idea! I always find it hard to organise myself! | Acqua xx

  7. This is such a good idea thanks for sharing definitely going to be making one!!xo

  8. I am obsessed with planners. I love the way you organize yours. x

  9. I love the cover of your planner! I've tried bullet journaling but I just couldn't keep up with it so I might have to make a planner like yours! x

    Erin // Everything Erin


Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x