
One year


Exactly one year ago today, I created Blossom of hope and published my first post. Since then, I have reached 72 followers and over 6500 pageviews, posted 110 posts as well as growing my confidence. 

When I first started my blog, I never really realised how big it would be in my life. I didn't really know about all the designing and the community that surrounded it. I kinda under estimated it all if I am honest. For me, my blog only has really taken off from October onwards, and that is when I started taking it seriously and trying hard. If I could go back in time, I would definitely do the first 3-4 months of Blossom of Hope differently. 

One of my highlights from this year was definitely my blogging series which I did in February. I loved telling people about things I learnt and seeing how I could help people. Earlier I mentioned that blogging has increased my confidence. It has made me realise that maybe I do have something that I enjoy and am slightly good at. Writing and typing things up in life-y update posts helps me sort them out in my head and be happier. 

Blogging has helped me develop my interests and meet so many new people, like my internet friend, which is so crazy.   This has taught me that the only way I can achieve things in life, I have to take a chance. Hopefully, by May 17th 2017, I will have taken more chances and achieved even more.

This post was actually incredibly hard to write because this year has been so topsy turvy, hope you have enjoyed! 

Lots of Love
Laura xx

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  1. Ahhh congrats Laura!! I love your blog so much (i am so bad at commenting,i always forget but i looove your posts!) You've come so far in one year, can't wait to see your blog grow in the next. P.s. your handwriting is gorgeous!! Xxxxx

    Phoebe & Abida | phoebida.blogspot.co.uk

  2. Happy Blogiversary hehe! Always loved reading your blog and I hope it continues to grow x
    Morgan | www.justmorgs.com

  3. Happy Blog-Birthday! It's such a good milestone! Well done :) I wish you all the best for you and your blog's future! Congrats <3

    Check out my latest post? x


  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to see your blog grow more X

    One World, Too Many Pages

  5. Congratulations Laura and happy birthday to blossom of hope! Can't wait to see what your blog has in store for the future! Happy blogging! Xx

    Amyx Makeupwithmissa.blogspot.co.uk

  6. Congrats on a year of blogging! You have achieved so much in a year, well done! I hope you achieve so much more this year X

    Erin // Everything Erin

  7. happy birthday to your blog! i love your blog and can't wait to see it grow more:) xx


  8. Happy 1 year of blogging! I have loved your blog since the first blog post I read! I hope you achieve so much more in another year aswell as your blog growing even more :)

    Mia :) // www.theweirdwonders.blogspot.com

  9. Happy Blogiversary!! I'm so proud of all the progress you've made in just a year :)

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  10. Congratulations on blogging for one year lovely!! ^_^

    Katie | Words By Katie

  11. Congratulations! One year looks so far away for me... amazing things have happened for me in 4 months, I'm sure many more have happened for you in a year! I can't wait to see what next year has in store for you! ^^

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

  12. It's amazing how far we come in a year, well done for keeping at it hun :)


  13. I started my blog about 11 months ago and my confidence has grown so much more! I also tagged you in my recent post to do the Starlight Blogger Award! X

  14. Congratulations on 1 year!!! You have a lovely blog!!

    Kate// katemorgancecilia.blogspot.com

  15. Your blog was made on my birthday!!! Congrats on 1 year
    Chanté// chantenna.blogspot.com


Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x