
My advice | Blogging with Blossomofhope


I am sad to say that this is my last post of this series, I have had such amazing reponse from this so thank you all soo much! Also I am having issues replying to comments as everytime I do my view count goes up even though its not meant to so sorry. 
Design and Layout
This aspect of blogging is very important and unfortunately I didn't have time to cover it. My main tip would be try not to go for a light text on a dark background as it has been proved to be harder to read. Apart from that go for whatever you want for your blog. Mess around with the design template until you find something that you love. If you are really stuck there are loads of tutorials on Google and YouTube which is what I used. 

Everyone has a preference on the posts they like to read and write. Don't feel pressured to write about a post about a subject if just can't think of what to write. Write about what you want to and what makes you happier. Try and be unique, if a big blogger has just done a haul, try not to copy them. I think most people like to read a variety of posts and not the same thing over and over again

Blogging is not all about the numbers, blogging is about expressing yourself. You will not get 150000 views overnight, that's not how it works. If you focus on content instead of views, you will produce better quality posts and people will like them.  It is so easy to compare your blog stat's to someone else's but you shouldn't. Every blog is different and to compare them would be wrong. 

Be you!
Most peole want to read a post that is original, not only that, but it will also make you feel good! Have fun with your blog and do whatever you want with it! 

Lots of Love
Laura xx

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  1. Honestly, this was so useful! I feel like I have a lot of work to do with the design of my blog, I'll check tutorials on youtube :) As someone who's been blogging for a month I'm really glad when posts like this one come up ^^

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

  2. I love this!
    I have been messing around with my blog colours and themes and I have found that I can be a lot more creative than I thought!
    Chloe ♡

  3. Great blogging advice! Especially the stats point, it's so easy to get caught up in the numbers sometimes x
    Morgan | www.justmrogs.com

  4. This advice would be great for those starting out! You should do another series like this xx

  5. I would have loved a blog post like this to read when I was starting my blog :) Great series x

  6. This is such a helpful post, even now - over a year down the line! Love your blog! <3

    Check out my latest?

    www.royallyrouge.com xx

  7. I loved this post so much!! It was so helpful!! Xx


  8. Great tips here Laura! I think this is a great series, will be looking out for another similar one hopefully in the future!
    Paige xo // The Joys of Being Paige

  9. Great blogging advice, even though I've been blogging for over a year these are still super helpful!
    I've nominated you to do the Liebster Award :)
    Mia :)

  10. Very helpful post! I've had my blog for a long time now, but I just started posting regularly last December xx

    Mariana - kaleidoscopicmari.blogspot.com

  11. Wow, if I had just started my blog then this would be like a blessing! http://graciepastelpink.blogspot.co.uk/

  12. Great tips,Laura! :)


Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x