


Hello I am back! I took a short unanticipated break from this blog for just over two weeks. School work has been really tough lately and I have had quite a few assessments to do and I couldn't mange blogging as well. As well as school, my views were going down and this made me feel really bad even though views shouldn't matter. I am really sorry for the break even though I am still on social media. I am going to be taking another break until the 13th December when I will be back with 12 Days of Blogmas!! 
So many things have happened this month and last month so let's just get started! 

Firstly, I was accepted on my school trip to China!! I go in July 2017 for two weeks and I am so excited! Expect a big series about that! I have planned some post already. 

I also started writing on the Through Our Eyes blog and you can read my posts here. If you have never heard of it, there are 14 bloggers and one blogger posts every day. All the girls are so so lovely and I really love reading the stuff they write. I am sure there is something for everyone. If you want to go have a look you can here

I chose a sunset picture for this month, not only because the sunset is absolutely beautiful, but also because it signifies something for me. Sunsets are the end of something and I really want November to be the end of me being sad and struggling to manage everything. I never normally set goals, but for December I really want to be able to continue blogging and keep up with school work. Also I want to be able to see my friends more often. I used to see them outside of school so much more than I do and I miss it, especially now that we aren't in the same classes. 

I really hope that December is better.

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  1. I love the significance sunsets have for you, it's the same for me :) I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too great lately & I hope December is going to be a much better month for you. Also, it's lovely having you on the TOE team x


  2. Can't wait for your posts about China! And I might set the same goal with seeing friends more often. And amazing photo!

    White-interiors.blogspot. com

  3. I love this pic! Well done for being accepted into the China trip thats amazing, and Im so proud of you!!! xx

  4. The sunset is so pretty and lI've hw you used it to signify your month. Hope you have a great December! .

    Najida | The Average Gurl x

  5. The sunset is so pretty and lI've hw you used it to signify your month. Hope you have a great December! .

    Najida | The Average Gurl x

  6. Oh my, I'm desperate to visit China! You lucky thing, have an amazing time!

    Edie x

  7. I wish I got on my school's China trip, hope you have an amazing time!
    Grace xx

  8. Oh my gosh, wow, have a great time in China!
    Aleeha xXx

  9. What a gorgeous photo! I love sunsets so much (I'm kind of obsessed with the sky aha). I'm sorry you haven't been feeling your best lately, and I hope that that changes very soon. It can be really difficult to juggle everything, but try to remember that you are doing great.

    Anna. X

  10. Wow, that's amazing that your going to China! Can't wait to read all about it! I hope that December brings better things for you!
    Lovely post,
    Freya x

  11. Wow, that's amazing that your going to China! Can't wait to read all about it! I hope that December brings better things for you!
    Lovely post,
    Freya x

  12. You are an amazing person, and take that blog break and enjoy it as much as you can! I know it can be a lot of work to do more than one thing at a time. What you explained about the sunset and sadness was truly beautiful!

  13. Wow,the best place our school offers it's pupils to go to is France.You guys are so lucky!I can't wait to see the series x



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