
How I edit my blog photos


I have realised this year, that blog photography is really important and I can't just take them quickly. The photos are almost as important as the writing! However, I like editing them so that they are as bright as possible. I wanted to share with you how I usually do this! 

Uploading the photos 
I usually take my blog photos on my phone and then download them from Google Photos online and save them into my folder on my laptop. From there, I go on PicMonkey, to edit them. Picmonkey, is an website that is free to use for most of there features. You can "Touch-up" , "Design", "Collage" or "Edit" which is what I click on.  I then upload the photo. 

From there, I normally press the auto-adjust button. Sometimes however, I don't like how this looks so I edit it myself. Firstly I go to the exposure bar and turn up the brightness and the contrast so that my pictures are more bright and clear. However sometimes by turning the brightness I lose the colour so next I go to Colours and make the saturation a tiny but higher. This is just because my phone camera doesn't always show up the true colours that well.

Cropping and resizing
The last step I take is cropping and resizing my photos. All my photos on my blog are cropped to 3:5. This makes them quite wide without being super duper long which I like. I also resize my pictures to roughly 700px high x 420 pixels wide as I set all my photos to be the width of my content area using CSS (would you like a tutorial?) If they are tiny then they go pixelated!
This is the after picture and the only difference is that it is brighter and has a tiny bit more colour. I try not to change the things too much because want to portray it as accurately as possible. I don't often take pictures of makeup products but if I did, I would follow the same "rules".

I hope you enjoyed this post and please let me know some blog posts you like to read and want me to write!

Lots of Love
Laura xx

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  1. i love your photos. i used to use Picmonkey for my blog photos, its a really good website:)xx


  2. This was so helpful!! Loved hearing all your photography tips & secrets ❤️ Bo xx


  3. These photo tips are so good! I edit my photos on Photoshop, I totally recommend using it! X

  4. Love your editing!! It looks so natural :) withinthecity.blogspot.co.uk xx

  5. Such a great post!


  6. I loved this!! You don't realise who one photo can change so much, great post as usual

    Wi xx

  7. Love this post, super helpful!
    Morgan | www.justmorgs.com

  8. I really reading this! Although picmonkey is very slow at time is has some great features! Great post as always X

    Thrifty vintage fashion

  9. Love how the fairy lights look a lot brighter

  10. I use picmonkey to edit my photos too and I love it! Its so easy to use and you get really good results too x

  11. Picmonkey is so easy to use isn't it? Great edits xo


  12. Lovely post! I love editing my photos because it makes such a difference to them and makes them look so much better! X

    Amyx Makeupwithmissa.blogspot.co.uk

  13. I love how vibrant the after picture is!

  14. Great post. I love brightening my photos and enhancing the colour to make them stand out a bit more x
    Louise | helloteddy.co.uk

  15. Really helpful post! I'll take note of it, I didn't know about that photo editor ^^ Thank you!

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

  16. loved this, super helpful x
    - http://comejoinusforacupoftea.blogspot.co.uk/

  17. this is so helpful!
    Chloe x

  18. Awesome post! I never knew you resized the photos but they looks so good! I am definitely going to explore Pic Monkey a bit more.


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