


It is now March! Is it just me or did February go so quickly? Last month I said I was feeling bad and it was a bad month for me, however this month had been completely different. It has been so positive and I have been a lot more happy. I also reached 4000 page views on Sunday which makes me so so happy, thankyou so much for your constant support. 

I really like how everything is set out in this picture and that the colours all go together. Part of me being happier is that I fell like I am getting closer to fulfilling my new years resolution of taking better pictures and better quality posts. You may have seen this picture before on my Instagram as part of my new theme of pink, I am not sure if I like this so if you could comment down below, I would be very grateful. 

I have now completed my memory book for January and February which I did a post on here so if you would like an update, let me know. It has already started to look pretty good and I am excited to the end of the year to be able to look back on everything.

Lots of Love 
Laura xx

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  1. Great little post, and your photography is stunning by the way!
    Have a great day, and congrats on reading 4000!
    Chloe x

  2. I love your photography in this photo!

  3. This is such a lovely photo <3 Lovely post and congrats!


  4. I'm glad you had a better month! I hope March will be even better! ^^

    onmywayacqua.blogspot.com | Acqua xx

  5. Hope March is great for you, and absolutely love the photo! Xx

    Phoebe & Abida | phoebida.blogspot.co.uk

  6. Loved this little post!congrats on 4k you deserve it and so much more

    wi xx


  7. Loved this photo! Congrats on 4K, super proud to have watched you grow for so long now. Hope March is just as good as February for you!
    Grace xx

  8. Hey! It's me, the one who asked you a question on instagram^^ I really love your blogs and received so much inspiration from it! Thank you so much!!

  9. This year is going so fast already.

  10. Love your blog! and that slide bar at the top is so cool!
    Hols xx


Thankyou for commenting, it means so much! Love Laura x